Friday, August 15, 2008

REVIT Dimension weirdness

The "whole wall" option that is available with the dimension tool in REVIT can be a great time saver. However I discovered something kinda weird today. I dimensioned a wall and received this dimension string.

What's with the 0'-0" dims? And, you may have noticed, that the cursor is over the grip you would use to edit what the extension line is snapped to (which is also the way that you would delete that dimension form the string.) You can tell by the dialog that says "Drag to set the gap between..." So I have 0'-0" dimension that I can't get rid of. Hmmmmmmm.

If you look a little closer you will see that there is an underlay visible in the view (Thanks to Andre Carvalho over at AUGI for seeing that.) So, setting the underlay to "none" we get.
Nice fix, but... why does REVIT reference a "whole wall" dimension to a wall other than the one you select?

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